It's everything


Your ‘environment‘ is the air, water, minerals, organisms (animals, insects and plants), and the man-made things that interact with YOU, and with each other.

Our Kaupapa

At Newbury School our school-wide EnviroVision is “Creating Environmental Leaders committed to preserving and improving our environment for future generations.

Our Enviroschools kaupapa is about creating a healthy, peaceful, sustainable world through learning and taking action together. Our kaupapa guides all that we do and is embodied in five guiding principles that underpin the whole Enviroschools journey:

Empowered Learners participate in genuine ways in their community. Their unique creativity, perspectives and questions are valued and honoured. They feel connected to the whenua and support each other as a learning community to create meaningful change and hopeful action.

Learning for Sustainability is a holistic, action and future-focused approach to learning, that engages our whole selves and addresses all aspects of our local and global environment.

Te Ao Māori holds insights, knowledge and ways of being in relation to the taiao. Honouring this acknowledges the intrinsic relationship of tangata whenua with this land. When we are envisioning and taking action for a sustainable future in our community, we are guided by the history, knowledge, tikanga, traditions and aspirations of local hapū.

Respect for Diversity is celebrated, and all forms of identity and ability are respected to foster a society that is fair, peaceful and cooperative. Cultural traditions and practices from all people are experienced, valued and appreciated in learning spaces, honouring practices led by that community. Access to safe and engaging learning is available to everyone.

Sustainable Communities act in ways that nurture all aspects of nature, including people, now and in the future. By working together and supporting each other we create safe, healthy, equitable and thriving communities.

Our school is proud to be recognised with a Silver standing in the Enviroschools programme, a testament to our commitment to sustainability and environmental education. The Enviroschools kaupapa provides a powerful framework that guides us in fostering a deep connection between our students and the environment, promoting sustainable practices, and embedding the principles of kaitiakitanga (guardianship) into our school culture.

Our vision is realised through:

  • A highly motivated and student lead Enviro Team.
  • Whole school involvement in school wide and community environmental projects.
  • Student driven class projects to make our school more environmentally aware and adopt sustainable practices.
  • School resources to support environmental education e.g. propagation unit, veggie gardens, native bush areas.
  • Commitment to sustainable practices within our school e.g. zero-waste, recycling.

For more information about the Enviroschools, head over to the