BYOD in the Te Kanawa & Hillary Teams (Rooms 5, 6, 7 & 8).
We have BYOD (bring your own device) at Newbury School in the Te Kanawa and Hillary Teams (Rooms 5, 6, 7 & 8).
Below you will find a brief overview of the why and how, and a presentation used when discussing this approach.
A BYOD Agreement will be sent home at the beginning of each year and will need to be signed and returned to the School Office before a learner can bring their own device to school.
What does BYOD look like at Newbury?
It is optional, not compulsory.
No-one is disadvantaged as school devices are available for all students who do not have BYOD.
It includes managed access to a school based Google Apps account (email, docs, sheets, slides etc) for each student.
It provides a natural integration of digital citizenship learning and discussions for all students.
It is a deliberately blended approach where effective strategies for teaching and learning e.g. direct teacher instruction, group work, writing in books, art, sports etc still take place!
Why BYOD at Newbury?
Increased motivation and engagement in learning.
Enhanced ability to share and collaborate on learning, and give and receive feedback (e.g. student/teacher, student/student & student/home).
More choice in how and where students can learn and how they can present their understanding.
More personalised as learners can learn on their own device, use apps they are familiar with and have more choice.
Home school connection enhanced through students bring home their device (i.e. learning) every day.