Providing a smooth transition to school for your child!
Starting school is an important milestone in a child’s life and like you, we want the transition from preschool to school to be a smooth and positive one.
We value the experiences and knowledge the children bring to school.
Children who have a can-do attitude cope well with the new challenges school brings. When they begin school at Newbury they will settle into the routines of school, make friends and learn new things.
Our school visits are planned weekly visits 3-4 weeks prior to your child starting at school. As your child is nearing turning five, the New Entrant teacher will contact you to arrange dates for these visits. These are normally on Friday mornings from 9:00 until 11:00am. Parents are invited to stay and to join in with the class learning. We encourage your child to wear their school uniform on their visits, although this is not compulsory.
These visits enable students to become familiar with the school grounds and classroom setting, meet other future five year-olds and their families and build positive relationships with the teachers. Students will also participate in a range of activities and experiences designed to give your child an idea of what to expect when they begin school.